Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Market and DNA Next Generation Sequencing Market 2020 Type of Test, Disease, Informatics, Company Analysis...

The Global Next Generation Sequencing Market is driven by factors such as increase in the demand for the sequencing of the DNA which attributes to the growth of the market.  In addition, increase in the use of new technology is also likely to have a significant impact on the growth of the market. Moreover, increase in the demand for the precision is also one of the factor which is likely to attribute to the growth of the market. Furthermore, increase in the use of the global next generation sequencing is also likely to boost the growth of the market. In addition, with the advent of technology, the costs of the sequencing has reduced which attributes to the growth of the market. Moreover, increase in the diseases such as cancer is likely to have a significant impact on the growth of the market. In the past decade, there has been an increase in the use of next generation sequencing in cancer is also likely to accelerate the growth of the market in the estimated forecast period. Furthermore, increase in collaborations and partnerships is also likely to boost the growth of the market in the estimated forecast period. Moreover, increase in demand for new techniques is likely to boost the growth of the next generation sequencing market.  Introduction and the need for the personalized medicines is also likely to enhance the growth of the market in the estimated forecast period. The next generation sequencing is used for clear analysis of the mapping of the genes which is also one is one of the major factor which is likely to boost the growth of the market in the estimated of forecast period. This is one of the major factors which attributes to growth of the market in the estimated forecast period.

Company Analysis:

Illumina, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Pacific Biosciences, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Roche

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Next Generation Sequencing has the possibility to accelerate the early finding of the ailments and the recognition of pharmacogenetics markers to customize its treatments. Today, in the field of medical science, a lot of various technological advancements are going at a rapid pace and that has led to the development of a specific medicine. As a result, the development of custom made medicine has opened an enormous opportunities for the application of next generation sequencing, which could help NGS market to grow significantly over the forecast period.

Oncology Test Market is largest among Clinical Next Generation Sequencing Market

In this report, we have defined next generation sequencing test market by clinical application. NGS test market is categorized into 6 parts; NGS Test Market by Reproductive Health, NGS Test Market by Rare Disease, NGS Test Market by Oncology, NGS Test Market by Metabolic, NGS Test Market by Cardiavascular and Others NGS Test Market.

Target Re-Sequencing and Whole Exome sequencing is dominating the Clinical Next Generation Sequencing Market

In this report, we have done complete assessment of different next generation sequencing technique. Here, we have categorized clinical next generation sequencing market by type of test into six parts; Targeted Re-sequencing (TPS/WES), Transcriptome (RNA- Sequencing), Whole Genome Sequencing, ChIP- Sequencing, De Novo Sequencing (Novel Organisms) and Methyl-Sequencing.

Next Generation Sequencing Market Trends by Platform

There are several platforms designed for next generation sequencing for the period of time by top key players. In this report, we have shown the next generation sequencing market by platform.

Next Generation Sequencing Market Insight by Consumables

In this report, we have done comprehensive analysis on NGS market by consumables. There are various kinds of consumable used in next generation sequencing like sample, library preparation reagents, kits, automation devices etc.

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Next Generation Sequencing Informatics Market

NGS Informatics is one of the key growth factors that propel overall NGS market to expand at rapid pace. In this report, next generation sequencing informatics market is divided into 6 parts; NGS Informatics Services, Primary and Secondary Data Analysis Tools, Storage, Computing, Biological Interpretation and Reporting Tools and Laboratory Information Management System.

Another Report: Global DNA Next Generation Sequencing Market’

The Global DNA Next Generation Sequencing Market size was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx% during 2019-2025.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS), also known as high-throughput sequencing, is the catch-all term used to describe a number of different modern sequencing technologies.

With the increase in the number of diseases and disorders it is becoming important day by day to diagnose, and cure certain disorders within its initial stages. DNA sequencing technology is helping to achieve this. It has become a key advanced technology in many areas of biology, medicines, anthropology and forensics.  There is comparison being done between a healthy and a mutated DNA which helps to diagnose various cancers and other diseases. This can be used to help the patient to get cured and take measures to fight these diseases at an early stage. This technology can get more advanced and can cause benefits to the medical care industry if there is a faster way to sequence DNA. The Next Generation DNA sequencing helps to attain the speed. DNA Next Generation Sequencing is causing cost reduction which is another key factor for the growth of global DNA next generation sequencing market.

Advancements and modification, automation of this process is helping to grow the sequencing data and time reduction which is allowing researchers to reach major milestones in the Human Genome Project creating opportunities for the growth of global DNA next generation sequencing market. 

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